




Over the years we have used technology to support the processes for our organization.
We are offering some of these developments FREE for personal use and volunteer organizations.
All others, please send an email.

Contact Manager and "To Do" database.
This Contact Manager helps us keep track of people, and all the things we have agreed to do with those people. This is for our working and family lives. After all. It is important to manage both!
For more details, please read the FAQs, dated 20200306 (249KB)
You need Microsoft Access to use this database.
Download the Database (1.4MB)

Time-tracking Spreadsheets.
A simple spreadsheet for keeping track of working time each week.
A more complex workbook, for rolling up the time by month, throughout the year.
NOTE: More information within the ReadMe tab, in each Excel workbook.

Software we recommend......
(a) Free PDF reader, a small, tight reader that runs on Windows without installation.

(b) Free PDF printer. A way to create a PDF from any file, via a virtual printer. This is a simple and consistent way to create PDF's that runs on ANY software that has a print option.
Please note that you also need to download the freeware Ghostscript via the link on the CutePDF page.

Read This Small Print
This software is provided ASIS, without warranty. Support is limited to that available within the FAQs or ReadMe's. There may be situations specific to your needs that may cause this application to fail. RESULTS ORIENTED cannot anticipate the environment that the application will be used in, nor the changes that may be made to the application, nor the data that may be entered. Use at your own risk. But rest assured that RESULTS ORIENTED has used these applications successfully. By requesting a download, you are releasing RESULTS ORIENTED, it's officers and associates, from any liability related to these applications, however caused.

© Copyright RESULTS ORIENTED. All rights reserved.