Just a thought, from RESULTS ORIENTED
Copyright, Research and the Web
Copyright started in 1709, during the reign of Queen Anne, (UK), because Gutenberg's press was being used to copy more than just the bible. You now had to have a licence to print, one that gave you the right to copy. Also, copyright was given a set duration. And, the concept of public domain was confirmed, which meant that you could give away your copyright.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruling on March 4th, stated that the Law Society of Upper Canada did not break the law by photocopying case material for lawyers.
This action was brought by the publishers of the case material. They were also upset about the photocopier in the library, and were arguing that summaries, table of contents, notations, etc, were equally subject to copyright protection.

There are 3 key points:
(1) Everyone can now make a single copy of copyright material for research
(2) Creating the means to copy (paper or MP3) does not make you liable for any copyright infringement. That belongs to the person doing the copying.
(3) Work does not have to be original to be copyright, so long as it is "the product of skill and judgment that is more than trivial," which will impact directories (printed or web-pages), and the like.

Source: Globe&Mail, 2004Mar08, Section B15. , and British Computer Society in Upper Canada meeting, 2003Sep10.