Just a thought, from RESULTS ORIENTED | |
Need Ongoing Innovation? Henry Gantt created charts that project managers love. But he also looked for ways to improve productivity, and share that wealth. His approach was based on Frederick Taylor ideas of scientific management. Gantt added a reward element to each task. A bonus paid once the quality and efficiency goals for the tasks were met. With supervisors and management receiving a bonus based on the bonus amounts paid to their staff. Gantt's approach is that if everyone in the workplace shared in the rewards, then everyone would contribute to innovative ways to improve productivity. Result: Rewarding people for meeting their goals, and rewarding management based on the rewards their staff have received, gives sustained productivity improvements of 100%, year over year. Source: PMI NETWORK, 2012Mar,'THE GANTT YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW' by Lynda Bourne, DPM, PMP |