Thought of the Moment
A helpful thought from RESULTS ORIENTED
Collaborative Consumption
An interesting book, written long enough ago for us to see if collaborative consumption is really taking place. For example: The growth of hourly car rentals through companies such as ZipCar, Car2Go and AutoShare
Sharing of stuff has been around for a long time. The Babylonians had the earliest recorded laws regarding leasing.
The interesting part is realizing that owning stuff can be a burden. Especially now that the electronic world makes it easier to find ways to share anything and everything. From someone willing to make their car a taxi to a couch for one or more nights.

In my professional capacity, I have seen computing as a service, companies buy mainframes, companies buy PC's, and now computing as a service. Price, critical needs, skills availibility and privacy, were the driving factors.
On the personal front, living downtown made the car a burden. For the past two years I have used a mix of tele-commuting, my motorcycle, walking, public transport, and, for about 3 times a year, AutoShare.
What are your choices?

Source: WHAT'S MINE IS YOURS, 2010, by Botsman & Rogers